GOD: Thank you for the beautiful world of blogging and journalling that makes us a lot happier.
At eslite bookstore now the 24 hour bookstore that never sleeps in taiwan.
Finally the official work is done and we can be totally at EASE and for me, time for me and myself and i.
I have never treasured time FOR myself so much before. i would admit i tried hard leaving out the SELF during the trip and it was soo tough mainly cos i was doing it on my own efforts and AGAIN, forgetting to leave it all to Him who strengthens....how could i forget??
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
adapting to a mixed group
Suddenly i realized i was struggling. Not bcos of anything anyone did wrong....but cos i didnt prepare enough for this...
There are tons to learn about myself and learn about others or from others.
so...that's the good part....you keep learning a and gaining experience.
The good part is there is more good than bad to learn here... :)
There are tons to learn about myself and learn about others or from others.
so...that's the good part....you keep learning a and gaining experience.
The good part is there is more good than bad to learn here... :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
you are not alone in your struggles
“but when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, that he might redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” Galatians 4:4-5 ASV
God hears and He sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. Remain firm and stable for God has your deliverance planned. –Joyce Meyer Ministries
God hears and He sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. Remain firm and stable for God has your deliverance planned. –Joyce Meyer Ministries
Do not get me wrong Miss (one of my advisors)...i told her today but doubt she listened....it is NOT the infatuation of the guys in that place!
it is not even for my own sake nor anything to do with me or myself.
it is selfless.
yes sophia was right......it is spiritual.
and the reason why is way too tough to explain here....not good to explain here.
and i would and could go on praying for this place not in the hope of any return.....not at ALL. serious.
have you ever adopted a country or a people group or a stubborn group of people and prayed a lot for it without any part of self in it? try....
Sow in prayer, deeds, perseverance, love (agape)....
for IT'S Good and IT'S sake, not your own.
it is not even for my own sake nor anything to do with me or myself.
it is selfless.
yes sophia was right......it is spiritual.
and the reason why is way too tough to explain here....not good to explain here.
and i would and could go on praying for this place not in the hope of any return.....not at ALL. serious.
have you ever adopted a country or a people group or a stubborn group of people and prayed a lot for it without any part of self in it? try....
Sow in prayer, deeds, perseverance, love (agape)....
for IT'S Good and IT'S sake, not your own.
Monday, December 5, 2011
"i ran singapore"
Can u believe THAT was the logo or caption which i only noticed after i actually finished the whole 42km?? yes note the jaw-drop tone i have adopted with "i actually finished...."
I felt i was in another country actually. bcos i didnt have a wink of sleep at ALL the night before. and i was told that some people running half marathon slept by 7pm the evening before.
So that led to the panic button....and thus no sleep.
I ended up "running for a cause" just like the theme of this year's Std Chartered run... which was to stuff myself with a huge carbo intake of maggi mee....2 packets worth and a fried egg. and Teh bing. The cause was thus to shed the fresh load of fats. The reason was "to burn"....
And burn i did indeed. The sun was scorching!! The only reason why i had to run the first 22km was cos the sun was gonna come up fully by 9am and i prob wouldn't be able to be fast any more.
So i broke my own resolution of walking the first 25km....hahaha.
let's go in tens of km.
1 - 10km: Cool Orchard road christmas lights....excited NS boys talking about who to run with and how fast they should go. middle aged men commenting they were just gonna walk the whole way. ppl plugged into ipods. Deejay rah-rahing....loud music. talked to a girl who offered her rubber band to me. non singaporean girl. passed by groups of samba masala drummers (should be from SMU). very inspiring beats that make u wanna jog more. passed by outram park, ayah...my work place area....sheesh....more music.
11-20km: esplanade to kallang....ooh didn't know how kallang connects to east coast...lol. now i know. singing some church songs in my head....start thinking of the toilet and how bad i need the toilet. east coast, nice scenery....and fresh dew smell. Some guys talk so loudly while running, "i don't like to be pressured by other runners.I want to go at my own speed." Good point. But the girls were more silent.

21-30km: People start dropping by the side of the track and tending to aching muscles or cramps. mostly guys. After 25km i was like......wondering why i wasn't dead yet....no sleep....
31-32: Met a 19 yr old to chat with for 1km
32-33: Thank God for benches to rest
33-35: Marina barrage in its actual form....looks like a dam....some construction work going on. Met a 24 yr old to walk with for 2 km, learnt that the most important thing in the run was to know u completed it wholly and on your own...and not about hitting the cutoff timing....like who in the first place is supposed to set ANY cutoff timing for people's own running?? what 8 hours rubbish! it wasn't true at all.
35-37: I give up! I have blisters....sunburn and i am wondering why i am not dead yet from exhaustion and no sleep. i tell the medics exactly that. and i stop under the MBS (in FRONT of MBS) and sleep for 35 min....I am not losing my life for a teeshirt!! and for a marathon!
38-42: Woke up and realised i was looking at a few runnners (who were actually the last batch of runners thats why there was a few of them only)...decided to just walk the rest of the way....met a girl twice my size and stopped to ask if she needed help. she was chatty and we were like "let's walk together!" so we did that and i realised it was UPGHILL.....the highway. i freaked out again....and the only thing i could do was....pray and.....God gave me an interesting solution....and finally....after much sunburn and hobbling like a creature from the sea....and small talk with a few strangers....
I felt i was in another country actually. bcos i didnt have a wink of sleep at ALL the night before. and i was told that some people running half marathon slept by 7pm the evening before.
So that led to the panic button....and thus no sleep.
I ended up "running for a cause" just like the theme of this year's Std Chartered run... which was to stuff myself with a huge carbo intake of maggi mee....2 packets worth and a fried egg. and Teh bing. The cause was thus to shed the fresh load of fats. The reason was "to burn"....
And burn i did indeed. The sun was scorching!! The only reason why i had to run the first 22km was cos the sun was gonna come up fully by 9am and i prob wouldn't be able to be fast any more.
So i broke my own resolution of walking the first 25km....hahaha.
let's go in tens of km.
1 - 10km: Cool Orchard road christmas lights....excited NS boys talking about who to run with and how fast they should go. middle aged men commenting they were just gonna walk the whole way. ppl plugged into ipods. Deejay rah-rahing....loud music. talked to a girl who offered her rubber band to me. non singaporean girl. passed by groups of samba masala drummers (should be from SMU). very inspiring beats that make u wanna jog more. passed by outram park, ayah...my work place area....sheesh....more music.
11-20km: esplanade to kallang....ooh didn't know how kallang connects to east coast...lol. now i know. singing some church songs in my head....start thinking of the toilet and how bad i need the toilet. east coast, nice scenery....and fresh dew smell. Some guys talk so loudly while running, "i don't like to be pressured by other runners.I want to go at my own speed." Good point. But the girls were more silent.

21-30km: People start dropping by the side of the track and tending to aching muscles or cramps. mostly guys. After 25km i was like......wondering why i wasn't dead yet....no sleep....
31-32: Met a 19 yr old to chat with for 1km
32-33: Thank God for benches to rest
33-35: Marina barrage in its actual form....looks like a dam....some construction work going on. Met a 24 yr old to walk with for 2 km, learnt that the most important thing in the run was to know u completed it wholly and on your own...and not about hitting the cutoff timing....like who in the first place is supposed to set ANY cutoff timing for people's own running?? what 8 hours rubbish! it wasn't true at all.
35-37: I give up! I have blisters....sunburn and i am wondering why i am not dead yet from exhaustion and no sleep. i tell the medics exactly that. and i stop under the MBS (in FRONT of MBS) and sleep for 35 min....I am not losing my life for a teeshirt!! and for a marathon!
38-42: Woke up and realised i was looking at a few runnners (who were actually the last batch of runners thats why there was a few of them only)...decided to just walk the rest of the way....met a girl twice my size and stopped to ask if she needed help. she was chatty and we were like "let's walk together!" so we did that and i realised it was UPGHILL.....the highway. i freaked out again....and the only thing i could do was....pray and.....God gave me an interesting solution....and finally....after much sunburn and hobbling like a creature from the sea....and small talk with a few strangers....
Saturday, November 26, 2011
to pursue or not
Tsk tsk....this week was quite terrible. more like dealing with difficult people......sheesh. I hope my efforts was worth it....though....i was more heavily reliant on what i could do....what is within my reach and not so much praying. but so many things are learnt just handling your own SELF (thoughts, desires, temper, irritations, frustrations, fears, set backs)
To pursue this wild dream or not....if i do it, others might be more inspired to pursue theirs. if i don't, i live a normal but calm life...chuckle seriously.
To pursue this wild dream or not....if i do it, others might be more inspired to pursue theirs. if i don't, i live a normal but calm life...chuckle seriously.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
the game
The LOVE of money is the root of all evil, that's what the bible says and it's true to at least quite a large extent. i notice people get all bitchy, jealous and catty over who earns more or if you friend earns $500 more than you or more, you start expecting them to pay for drinks or a meal at least. or you (maybe me) starts wondering why they seem so lazy but get paid well. its the whole stupid game of "Who-earns-more?" or simply competing and using money or some other thing as a yardstick with which to measure our worth or our value or our what? Who even brings money along with them when they leave the earth? Our bank accounts become but worm-food.
If it's not money, its probably popularity, looks, social class, fame, influence, number of kids, who i know, position etc etc.
it never ends.
why not compete on who is more contented.........who is more satisfied with what God has given them.....compete on who can maximise what little assets they have most.....or compete on who wholly seeks God and His purposes most.......the latter would be most tough to reach and fathom, as spiritual things are not seen with the naked eye. then again, it is of greatest worth.
If it's not money, its probably popularity, looks, social class, fame, influence, number of kids, who i know, position etc etc.
it never ends.
why not compete on who is more contented.........who is more satisfied with what God has given them.....compete on who can maximise what little assets they have most.....or compete on who wholly seeks God and His purposes most.......the latter would be most tough to reach and fathom, as spiritual things are not seen with the naked eye. then again, it is of greatest worth.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Deeply inspired...
Exercise totally energised me back into normality - Mon and Wed night. Mon i was suddenly inspired to jump out of my laziness. and...clocked 7km.....oh well i need 6 times of that for december sigh!!!
Wed, in remembrance of my upcoming challenge in december, and as a consequence of eating too much deep fried food past two days (fats galore), i walked from queenstown mrt all the way to clementi mrt....4 stops. i thought it would take 50min at max but it was a whopping....1.20am till 2.40am!! 1 hour 20 min.....so much for 42km in dec...just gonna brisk walk the first 20-30km......lol.
But the strange thing was things really got into place this week......like the whole God's promises and God's protection comes upon those who keep rebellion away and those who rebel will not be protected. How true!
I just hope we'll all be ready.......
Wed, in remembrance of my upcoming challenge in december, and as a consequence of eating too much deep fried food past two days (fats galore), i walked from queenstown mrt all the way to clementi mrt....4 stops. i thought it would take 50min at max but it was a whopping....1.20am till 2.40am!! 1 hour 20 min.....so much for 42km in dec...just gonna brisk walk the first 20-30km......lol.
But the strange thing was things really got into place this week......like the whole God's promises and God's protection comes upon those who keep rebellion away and those who rebel will not be protected. How true!
I just hope we'll all be ready.......
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
licentious living and legalism r forms of rebellion
what a fine line to draw.
"That no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident for "the just shall live by faith". yet the law is not of faith but the man who does them shall live by them" Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us (for it was written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree). Gal 3:11
Legalism in itself has a great hold on the human mind: it appeals to our human pride, that's why people enjoy it. People like legalism because it gives them something to boast about. If we think we can ever offer to God something acceptable out of our old fallen nature, we are telling God that Jesus did not need to die.
If righteousness can come through law, then Christ died to no effect (Gal 2:21). Paul in the bible said this about miracles: Do they come by observing the law or do they come by hearing of faith?" Gal 3:5
How can we trust in man and make flesh our strength?? surely our hearts would depart from the Lord then if we RELIED heavily on our own strength.
3 aspects of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. 1) He abolished law as a means of achieving righteousness with God ONCE and for ALL. Rom 10:1
2) Rom 6:6
3) Gal 5:24
Adapted from "Called to conquer", Derek Prince
"That no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident for "the just shall live by faith". yet the law is not of faith but the man who does them shall live by them" Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us (for it was written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree). Gal 3:11
Legalism in itself has a great hold on the human mind: it appeals to our human pride, that's why people enjoy it. People like legalism because it gives them something to boast about. If we think we can ever offer to God something acceptable out of our old fallen nature, we are telling God that Jesus did not need to die.
If righteousness can come through law, then Christ died to no effect (Gal 2:21). Paul in the bible said this about miracles: Do they come by observing the law or do they come by hearing of faith?" Gal 3:5
How can we trust in man and make flesh our strength?? surely our hearts would depart from the Lord then if we RELIED heavily on our own strength.
3 aspects of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. 1) He abolished law as a means of achieving righteousness with God ONCE and for ALL. Rom 10:1
2) Rom 6:6
3) Gal 5:24
Adapted from "Called to conquer", Derek Prince
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
exciting discoveries
I am fully convinced the stupid overdose of dental mouthwash (burning and pain) was cured the instant after the testimony was made or during the testimony at church. BECAUSE....the pain SUDDENLY disappared!!! it wasnt even a slow fadeaway or lingering...totally just gone. instant. hey presto!
10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
11 They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
Revelations 12
10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
11 They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
Revelations 12
Thursday, October 13, 2011
saved by delays....
BALI, Indonesia (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off Indonesia's popular resort island of Bali on Thursday, sending people fleeing from their homes and hotels in panic. No tsunami alert was issued, and there were no immediate reports of injuries.
Some roofs collapsed, and witnesses told local radio and television stations they saw cracks in the walls of buildings.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.0 was centered 60 miles (100 kilometers) southwest of the island. It struck 36 miles (60 kilometers) beneath the ocean floor.
When God gives you a delay or cancellation.......know that it's for your good!
Some roofs collapsed, and witnesses told local radio and television stations they saw cracks in the walls of buildings.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.0 was centered 60 miles (100 kilometers) southwest of the island. It struck 36 miles (60 kilometers) beneath the ocean floor.
When God gives you a delay or cancellation.......know that it's for your good!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Or not really. There's so much work to be done........literally and figuratively and in all aspects of a calling that means something of great value.
I wish people would really see meaning and fulfilment in all the work they do. ALL.
I can't believe i waited till this week to fix my tooth. filling. apparently it was the cause of my recent illness (flu). shall not go into gross details...i can't believe it either. :) to laugh or to scream.
So i'm really glad now and it's becos i took out the ROOT PROBLEM which was my tooth problem which was affecting my health and mood. i can't believe it.
Now it just makes sense, the bible. how every single part of our body works together and we cant function when one part hurts. the problem is getting others to be of the same mindset or make them find out themselves that God is relational and not just a set of rules and not someone we can't talk to. ;)
I wish people would really see meaning and fulfilment in all the work they do. ALL.
I can't believe i waited till this week to fix my tooth. filling. apparently it was the cause of my recent illness (flu). shall not go into gross details...i can't believe it either. :) to laugh or to scream.
So i'm really glad now and it's becos i took out the ROOT PROBLEM which was my tooth problem which was affecting my health and mood. i can't believe it.
Now it just makes sense, the bible. how every single part of our body works together and we cant function when one part hurts. the problem is getting others to be of the same mindset or make them find out themselves that God is relational and not just a set of rules and not someone we can't talk to. ;)
Monday, October 10, 2011
relaxed or exciting life?
Proverbs 19:20-21
Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.
i am soo gonna write it. soon.
Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.
i am soo gonna write it. soon.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
open or private life?
Looking at Steve Jobs life, he was an icon for sure but there were so many other important facts about him that NO ONE KNEW! Like, his famous sister, and the most important of all was this: his HEALTH condition. It was so BAD but he was concealing it all the time. I mean maybe he didn't want people to worry about him but still...if you gotta get help you just got to....no point hiding, or is there (a point to)?? was it worth it after all? Who knows.......only Steve himself would know if his mission was accomplished. Thus i still debate on if one should live an open or secret life....if secret, why for, since we are all going to pass on some day?
One thing i noticed about God is he is really fair. (Sep 2011).
Work has been getting a bit more stressed but that's where i find friendships and time with loved ones more meaningful and less taken for granted because you really treasure each event or outing with them. it's "out of work" so you do treasure the time a lot more than if you always had time on your hands while at work. You also know that when you work a bit more you learn more.
I keep asking myself what on earth am i doing...such restlessness almost every week, wanting to run everywhere. literally. everywhere. Is it lack of contentment or am i just not meant to be here right now (Singapore). or am i just really crazy now with my freedom or....what is it? Do i really need to stay still and reflect every day? When will i reach that point of being still WANTING to relax and reflect every day? When????
One thing i noticed about God is he is really fair. (Sep 2011).
Work has been getting a bit more stressed but that's where i find friendships and time with loved ones more meaningful and less taken for granted because you really treasure each event or outing with them. it's "out of work" so you do treasure the time a lot more than if you always had time on your hands while at work. You also know that when you work a bit more you learn more.
I keep asking myself what on earth am i doing...such restlessness almost every week, wanting to run everywhere. literally. everywhere. Is it lack of contentment or am i just not meant to be here right now (Singapore). or am i just really crazy now with my freedom or....what is it? Do i really need to stay still and reflect every day? When will i reach that point of being still WANTING to relax and reflect every day? When????
Monday, October 3, 2011
un-emotionally charged
This week or near the end of the week is what i call, a less emotional but really awesome weekend because I guess.....i finally met up with my parents for dinner (both of them) without my brother. so that equates to more talking time. and....attention.
Another lesson in love is this: never go into a relationship or serious dating just to get attention (from the other person) or to manipulate or to have "someone". defeats the purpose. unless of course cases of bo-bian (no choice) matchmaking where the girls had to marry in times of crisis (world war two).
So here am i still tarrying down the street not literally, lol, to help put things right in a lot of interesting places. light in the dark could have double or triple meaning. and if that's your life purpose, why not pursue it with all i've got?
i guess when we have a hope of what's to come and the goals are not temporal and only 99-year freehold (aka property and houses on earth) we have a different hope which is for the million years together with the lover of our souls and His creation (up there is way better than down here!)
Another lesson in love is this: never go into a relationship or serious dating just to get attention (from the other person) or to manipulate or to have "someone". defeats the purpose. unless of course cases of bo-bian (no choice) matchmaking where the girls had to marry in times of crisis (world war two).
So here am i still tarrying down the street not literally, lol, to help put things right in a lot of interesting places. light in the dark could have double or triple meaning. and if that's your life purpose, why not pursue it with all i've got?
i guess when we have a hope of what's to come and the goals are not temporal and only 99-year freehold (aka property and houses on earth) we have a different hope which is for the million years together with the lover of our souls and His creation (up there is way better than down here!)
Friday, September 30, 2011
This month is movie month and there are three HOT SHOWS i wanna catch....
1) Colombiano (heard so much about the girls in this country!)
2) 1911 (Chinese roots)
3) Abduction
I really gotta make time to fix my citizenship documents in this country first......lol.
One more new insight on love:
It is and yet is not a game. It is challenging, makes you think, it could stir up competition (even though NEVER intended), it could stir envy or jealousy (in others, though again not intended), it makes you alive (keeps you going), it makes your heart beat again, it brings you to greater potential....so conclusion is: people should EITHER Seek for love (if it's within your personality to be proactive)....or if you are busy, couldn't be bothered, or shy, let God bring someone to you......and wait trustfully while building up your work (Career) and hobbies and Calling.
1) Colombiano (heard so much about the girls in this country!)
2) 1911 (Chinese roots)
3) Abduction
I really gotta make time to fix my citizenship documents in this country first......lol.
One more new insight on love:
It is and yet is not a game. It is challenging, makes you think, it could stir up competition (even though NEVER intended), it could stir envy or jealousy (in others, though again not intended), it makes you alive (keeps you going), it makes your heart beat again, it brings you to greater potential....so conclusion is: people should EITHER Seek for love (if it's within your personality to be proactive)....or if you are busy, couldn't be bothered, or shy, let God bring someone to you......and wait trustfully while building up your work (Career) and hobbies and Calling.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
confirmed it was God....
who nipped this rship in the bud.
Bcos he just answered one simple prayer (nothing to do with rships at all) yesterday....for me.
So if He could answer such a simple request (but important to me)....it can't be i am doing sth wrong....so it means the other person is wrong....so God had to stop the rship....
maybe its all...all due to my childhood intrigue of this:

cave of the golden rose (kim rossi stuart)
Bcos he just answered one simple prayer (nothing to do with rships at all) yesterday....for me.
So if He could answer such a simple request (but important to me)....it can't be i am doing sth wrong....so it means the other person is wrong....so God had to stop the rship....
maybe its all...all due to my childhood intrigue of this:

cave of the golden rose (kim rossi stuart)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Faith is the evidence of what we don't see.
So......let's just enjoy whatever God puts in our lives today....
Before the day passes.
Enjoy every season you have too!
Don't be afraid of letting Him put circumstances in your life...
If a place or people group is discouraging. God put it there for you to grow your muscles and whatever qualities in character He wants your to grow.
So......let's just enjoy whatever God puts in our lives today....
Before the day passes.
Enjoy every season you have too!
Don't be afraid of letting Him put circumstances in your life...
If a place or people group is discouraging. God put it there for you to grow your muscles and whatever qualities in character He wants your to grow.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
how many times must i tell you i am the "marry first then do" kind?
gals...if a guy asks you for "that" tell him "marry me first" and make sure he does that first. the jerks will immediately disappear.
lol....or disappear after a while....
lol....or disappear after a while....
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
why on earth am i here for?
28 A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. 29 No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.
Romans 2
Romans 2
Monday, August 22, 2011
Led by the bible or led by God or both?
I had a horrible but bittersweet weekend. It was annoying yet such a good learning time - Spending time with Him. All because of circumstances. *hands clasped heavenward* And i realised the hearts of the girly bunch. they r really nice in times of crisis. (what a pun!) i dare say now i trust them and oh yah, accept them too.
O that You (O Lord) would be sovereign in my life and reign over circumstances or non-circumstances, people, places, ideas, methods, ways, history, future, present. Reign over what we do and all our goals.
I had a horrible but bittersweet weekend. It was annoying yet such a good learning time - Spending time with Him. All because of circumstances. *hands clasped heavenward* And i realised the hearts of the girly bunch. they r really nice in times of crisis. (what a pun!) i dare say now i trust them and oh yah, accept them too.
O that You (O Lord) would be sovereign in my life and reign over circumstances or non-circumstances, people, places, ideas, methods, ways, history, future, present. Reign over what we do and all our goals.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The most amazing thing i learnt about waiting and time is that it really sifts out our motives. It surfaces our motives for us (and maybe others) to blatantly see.
And I agree with what I read from a Christian book that it is good to sit back and wait sometimes, for what we have been praying for. because at the same time this whole waiting really SURFACES OUT our MOTIVES!
It may not even be what we requested for! It may be something we wanted due to another reason or something we wanted to run away from, or something we should not want even.....how cool is that the fact that TIME ITSELF is a good surfacer of our motives and how God uses it to help us reflect - on our hearts.
And if and only if we choose to follow Christ wholeheartedly, He has promised hundredfold reward WHILE we are on earth as well as in heaven.
"Peter began to say to Him, "See we have left all and followed You." So Jesus answered and said, "Assuredly I say to You, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for My sake and the gospel's who shall not receive a hundredfold now IN THIS TIME (On earth) -- houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions -- and in the age to come, eternal life." Mark 10:28-30
So the drawback is probably, just some persecutions....
And I agree with what I read from a Christian book that it is good to sit back and wait sometimes, for what we have been praying for. because at the same time this whole waiting really SURFACES OUT our MOTIVES!
It may not even be what we requested for! It may be something we wanted due to another reason or something we wanted to run away from, or something we should not want even.....how cool is that the fact that TIME ITSELF is a good surfacer of our motives and how God uses it to help us reflect - on our hearts.
And if and only if we choose to follow Christ wholeheartedly, He has promised hundredfold reward WHILE we are on earth as well as in heaven.
"Peter began to say to Him, "See we have left all and followed You." So Jesus answered and said, "Assuredly I say to You, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for My sake and the gospel's who shall not receive a hundredfold now IN THIS TIME (On earth) -- houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions -- and in the age to come, eternal life." Mark 10:28-30
So the drawback is probably, just some persecutions....
Friday, August 5, 2011
tough is good
I didn't know being "a light" in a dark place would be so difficult. but its worth it. Also you learn more toughening it out rather than having everything all easy for you, don't you think? Also life on earth is short. why enjoy so much here when you have the whole of eternity (heaven) to really enjoy?
That's why its so important to really think about our eternities.
It's important where you spend it - life is about choices. I seriously do not believe God would create human beings if He did not intend to give us freewill and choices.
He might as well have made dummies or robots if predestination was what he had in mind.
Hell is real. It is a dark place literally and figuratively. the saddest part of hell? Being eternally cut off from God and God's presence and probably spending it with the devil, who lies about being "good" to us while all of us are still on earth. And when people die, they realise all his words were fake and untrue. All the false hope and promises of glory, riches, health?, comfort, pleasure...were....lies. Is hell a lake of fire? Maybe...or it could be pitch black total darkness and cold and no one to talk to or share joy with. Life is too short to believe those lies.....of the devil.
That's why its so important to really think about our eternities.
It's important where you spend it - life is about choices. I seriously do not believe God would create human beings if He did not intend to give us freewill and choices.
He might as well have made dummies or robots if predestination was what he had in mind.
Hell is real. It is a dark place literally and figuratively. the saddest part of hell? Being eternally cut off from God and God's presence and probably spending it with the devil, who lies about being "good" to us while all of us are still on earth. And when people die, they realise all his words were fake and untrue. All the false hope and promises of glory, riches, health?, comfort, pleasure...were....lies. Is hell a lake of fire? Maybe...or it could be pitch black total darkness and cold and no one to talk to or share joy with. Life is too short to believe those lies.....of the devil.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
No, i don't write because i am recently betrayed. but looking back on the past...(i know this sounds like a melancholic post) but have we not looked at someone in the eye and realised that they are betraying us. in the face!! but truth is, that is how we feel.
On the other person's point of view, they might be going through a new phase in life, or experiencing transition, basically, a total distraction or somewhere that needs more of their attention.
The worst form of betrayal is that of friendship, believe me. Ok that's for me. I have never really fallen in love to that point of feeling betrayed.So in a way i am protected. lol. So let's see,friendships - guy or gal, regardless of gender they have equal potential to hurt a person.
So I will have to assess and differentiate who are the people that have issues personally, who are those trying to get others down on purpose, and who are those who really need an apology from me.
you are not alone. people, even great people in the bible have endured tons of betrayal. Jesus's best buddy denied him three times before a crowd of people. Imagine the feeling...ergh.
Well think about it this way, after you have been betrayed you truly know the person's true colours and why would you carry on holding on to this friendship, unless you are Jesus? or unless He really give you His agape unconditional love to forgive the person, but then again, that doesn't mean going back to the same level of friendship, or does it? i really don't know...
the reason why i would never take revenge or give the person back what he did (i almost always don't do that) is because you truly truly don't know what they (he or she) is going through at that point in time. if they were facing traumas, trials, or simply very distracted, or serious issues, how would we really know? only God knows what they are facing and it would be mean to play God here. especially if they were really facing something difficult. besides mercy and forgiveness will ultimately come back to you, if you give it to others. :)
On the other person's point of view, they might be going through a new phase in life, or experiencing transition, basically, a total distraction or somewhere that needs more of their attention.
The worst form of betrayal is that of friendship, believe me. Ok that's for me. I have never really fallen in love to that point of feeling betrayed.So in a way i am protected. lol. So let's see,friendships - guy or gal, regardless of gender they have equal potential to hurt a person.
So I will have to assess and differentiate who are the people that have issues personally, who are those trying to get others down on purpose, and who are those who really need an apology from me.
you are not alone. people, even great people in the bible have endured tons of betrayal. Jesus's best buddy denied him three times before a crowd of people. Imagine the feeling...ergh.
Well think about it this way, after you have been betrayed you truly know the person's true colours and why would you carry on holding on to this friendship, unless you are Jesus? or unless He really give you His agape unconditional love to forgive the person, but then again, that doesn't mean going back to the same level of friendship, or does it? i really don't know...
the reason why i would never take revenge or give the person back what he did (i almost always don't do that) is because you truly truly don't know what they (he or she) is going through at that point in time. if they were facing traumas, trials, or simply very distracted, or serious issues, how would we really know? only God knows what they are facing and it would be mean to play God here. especially if they were really facing something difficult. besides mercy and forgiveness will ultimately come back to you, if you give it to others. :)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
how to explain this?
The God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. (Daniel 3:17-18)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
hahaha thats what i reeally can say when life becomes a comeedy rather than a tragedy. oh well...its how you choose to see it.
so.....when things get too easy i complain and feel redundant. however when its too difficult i cry and complain....lolz.
arrghhhh......i hate lousy keyboards on pcs.
which explains typing errors u see here. i learnt one thing. innocent people should not pay for what they did not do. innocent people should not pay for the mistakes of others. a few good people in a group doesnt mean everyone is good. a few bad people doesn't mean everyone in the group is bad...wow
so.....when things get too easy i complain and feel redundant. however when its too difficult i cry and complain....lolz.
arrghhhh......i hate lousy keyboards on pcs.
which explains typing errors u see here. i learnt one thing. innocent people should not pay for what they did not do. innocent people should not pay for the mistakes of others. a few good people in a group doesnt mean everyone is good. a few bad people doesn't mean everyone in the group is bad...wow
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
focussed work
Argh......from having a very broad range of tasks and things to handle, now i'm zooming in to a very narrow scope which makes me feel extremely FOCUSSED but this was not my goal...nor my objective....sheesh...i was just here to help. they need help here....thats why i left.
Ok well......we'll see how this leads me and where I would go next etc....
i have never had such a narrow job scope in my whole entire life....oh man.....nevertheless......i will still have my social life (or at least i hope)....
But Thank You God for everything thus far. its not been perfect but its been great somehow.....not horrendous.
Let's see how to better handle this:
1) recall and remind myself how my best math teachers taught our classes (aha...now u know what i'm doing)
2) plan NEAT lesson plans 1 week ahead or at least 2 days before lessons.
3) Do step by step descriptions for each math concept?
4) Be flexible to crack jokes n tell stories to lessen boredom of the class
Ok that feels better......4 step survival guide....
Ok well......we'll see how this leads me and where I would go next etc....
i have never had such a narrow job scope in my whole entire life....oh man.....nevertheless......i will still have my social life (or at least i hope)....
But Thank You God for everything thus far. its not been perfect but its been great somehow.....not horrendous.
Let's see how to better handle this:
1) recall and remind myself how my best math teachers taught our classes (aha...now u know what i'm doing)
2) plan NEAT lesson plans 1 week ahead or at least 2 days before lessons.
3) Do step by step descriptions for each math concept?
4) Be flexible to crack jokes n tell stories to lessen boredom of the class
Ok that feels better......4 step survival guide....
Thursday, June 30, 2011
what would i fight for?
For love....
and for this:
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in
Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own
You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will grow
And when it's time, you'll know
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe"
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Katy Perry Firework lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/katy-perry-firework-lyrics.html
and for this:
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in
Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own
You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will grow
And when it's time, you'll know
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe"
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Katy Perry Firework lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/katy-perry-firework-lyrics.html
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
pied piper
finally a space to write. a lot of this time reminds me of the story of the pied piper when i was little. and i don't think this is a youth thing, it's a grown ups as well thing.
:( so, what do we do?
Can man live without God? Why?
If there is no God, what standards of conduct do we live by?
Whatever i am saying may be true or may not be true.....it is up to you to decide.
:( so, what do we do?
Can man live without God? Why?
If there is no God, what standards of conduct do we live by?
Whatever i am saying may be true or may not be true.....it is up to you to decide.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
the irony of it all
Hearing from a diverse point of view sometimes.
I met H.M. last evening for dinner. And at least, there was a different point of view she came up with. A different way of looking at things. Which really helps cos everyone has their own mindset about everything. Why can't people trust that people have something called guilty conscience so no one will do something if they know it will cause hurt to others. Sometimes the best way for others to really learn is through guilt, trust me.
remember, its all about TRUST. Who do we trust? Who do you trust? Why do you trust Him? Why do we trust Him? Why do we trust him? Why do you trust her? Why would anyone trust a PERSON?
I'm still like jabez, asking for of course, the right motives, and the right niche(?) or reach (oooh it rhymes!!)
...in this life. Maybe the reach and the niche will change but not the good intentions and actions.
i think for me, i would need a relationship with God, not just...doing the right things all the time to please Him. I would need to talk to Him and persistently put my requests all there, speak up on my problems, irritations, etc.
I met H.M. last evening for dinner. And at least, there was a different point of view she came up with. A different way of looking at things. Which really helps cos everyone has their own mindset about everything. Why can't people trust that people have something called guilty conscience so no one will do something if they know it will cause hurt to others. Sometimes the best way for others to really learn is through guilt, trust me.
remember, its all about TRUST. Who do we trust? Who do you trust? Why do you trust Him? Why do we trust Him? Why do we trust him? Why do you trust her? Why would anyone trust a PERSON?
I'm still like jabez, asking for of course, the right motives, and the right niche(?) or reach (oooh it rhymes!!)
...in this life. Maybe the reach and the niche will change but not the good intentions and actions.
i think for me, i would need a relationship with God, not just...doing the right things all the time to please Him. I would need to talk to Him and persistently put my requests all there, speak up on my problems, irritations, etc.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Argh.........i hate being misinterpreted. in any way. ok never mind. sheesh.
Ok the main part of my conflict has been settled with my girl pal.usual girly squabbles. intense girly squabbles. Sometimes these squabbles make you go totally nuts!
its good if the girl pal is open to really talk is out openly and honestly not holding it back so......here i am with a smile on my face. the bible says that if you settle a dispute before you go to court but thankfully this was not as serious as any court case and no, it wasn't any bitchy catfight. and no, it wasn't over a guy.
So now I am smiling cos we know each other better and not just superficially for birthdays and group gatherings and for overseas trip prayers. which is great cos you've "won a sister over", like what we're called to do. can we turn disputes into a winning a sis/bro over session?
Ok the main part of my conflict has been settled with my girl pal.usual girly squabbles. intense girly squabbles. Sometimes these squabbles make you go totally nuts!
its good if the girl pal is open to really talk is out openly and honestly not holding it back so......here i am with a smile on my face. the bible says that if you settle a dispute before you go to court but thankfully this was not as serious as any court case and no, it wasn't any bitchy catfight. and no, it wasn't over a guy.
So now I am smiling cos we know each other better and not just superficially for birthdays and group gatherings and for overseas trip prayers. which is great cos you've "won a sister over", like what we're called to do. can we turn disputes into a winning a sis/bro over session?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
should we sacrifice?
Ergh....I am frustrated that I got myself sick. Yes for real, and for once this is the absolute truth that I got myself sick with infected throat and it's my fault.
You know sometimes I keep reminding myself what I was taught early adulthood about "Obedience is better than sacrifice" and how we should learn from various examples in the bible like David and Abraham, not that they only obeyed and didn't sacrifice but they always put obedience before all else. Obedience not to anyone but to authority over you. Obedience to people who care for your well being.
So here I am taking my own sweet time to write this blog now, at work because my social life is over for the day. Because i was "told" to go home right after work. Yes by my church group leader. And this actually makes sense because I totally do not even feel like going to any part of town at this moment. Mondays, i realise, is one good time to rest, "chill", and pore over or pour over (Which is the correct spelling) the Word. Not cos I'm in trouble, not cos i feel sad or down, but simply because I actually WANT to.
I think the same thing works with BGR. You don't "have to" do something for someone, you do something because you want to? What if that "want" becomes a "don't want"? ever? How will I go about solving this? How will my partner solve this? Maybe its not a question of solving a problem but both sides working together at something common. That's why having common goals in life is soo important.
You know sometimes I keep reminding myself what I was taught early adulthood about "Obedience is better than sacrifice" and how we should learn from various examples in the bible like David and Abraham, not that they only obeyed and didn't sacrifice but they always put obedience before all else. Obedience not to anyone but to authority over you. Obedience to people who care for your well being.
So here I am taking my own sweet time to write this blog now, at work because my social life is over for the day. Because i was "told" to go home right after work. Yes by my church group leader. And this actually makes sense because I totally do not even feel like going to any part of town at this moment. Mondays, i realise, is one good time to rest, "chill", and pore over or pour over (Which is the correct spelling) the Word. Not cos I'm in trouble, not cos i feel sad or down, but simply because I actually WANT to.
I think the same thing works with BGR. You don't "have to" do something for someone, you do something because you want to? What if that "want" becomes a "don't want"? ever? How will I go about solving this? How will my partner solve this? Maybe its not a question of solving a problem but both sides working together at something common. That's why having common goals in life is soo important.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
I realize, i have to touch base with the deepest desires from my heart and cannot wander like a cloud, following the crowd. Ok my desires dont exactly follow the crowd but I have favourites out of the likeable things in life still.
And unless I stick to what I value most, I cannot be the most happy. I'm serious, you cannot be absolutely happy unless you're very honest about your favourite, for example, pasttime, among all the pasttimes you like.
And I didn't know how powerfully our goals and dreams can drive and motivate us....wow. And how much putting goals and dreams down in words can help. I am still praying for the chance to do what I want and go to those places.
And unless I stick to what I value most, I cannot be the most happy. I'm serious, you cannot be absolutely happy unless you're very honest about your favourite, for example, pasttime, among all the pasttimes you like.
And I didn't know how powerfully our goals and dreams can drive and motivate us....wow. And how much putting goals and dreams down in words can help. I am still praying for the chance to do what I want and go to those places.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
who has your heart?
sometimes i just think and look around me and i seriously ask myself,
Who has my heart? Is it God?
Keep me reminded of who You are
sometimes i just think and look around me and i seriously ask myself,
Who has my heart? Is it God?
Keep me reminded of who You are
Monday, May 9, 2011
critical netizens
Sigh...what can i say? in times like these when everyone just chooses one target to pick on and criticises online. Thank God that she really takes everything said in stride. Sometimes society just likes to talk about people, "arrow" someone...out of fun, jealousy maybe? But in a strange way, this actually brings more publicity than if people "liked" you....cos popularity is fleeting i feel. people are hard to please and politics is ALL about saying the "right" thing to the masses. In the words of very senior ministers themselves.
It's not like she's not going to do anything good for people, or it's not that she's doing something bad for people either. So wait and watch....before following the crowd, seriously.
Also i feel the whole point the opposition parties got more votes than other years is not because the present Primary Ruling Party is bad or mean but, hahaha, the younger generation-Y, (our parents are generation X) believes in competition because Competition invites COMPETENCY in any country, any organization that wants to do well. We fear complacency and overbearingness of a single-party, which oculd lead to...
I do admit though that times did change and the present primary ruling party DID a lot for us, fighting all the way for our "rights", bringing us out of racism and discrimination, post-war, starvation, poverty and established a lot of security, infrastructure for us...hm...yea they did do a lot for us...oh well....young people do enjoy watching a good game of "close fights"...sheesh. politics has become a sport...?
It's not like she's not going to do anything good for people, or it's not that she's doing something bad for people either. So wait and watch....before following the crowd, seriously.
Also i feel the whole point the opposition parties got more votes than other years is not because the present Primary Ruling Party is bad or mean but, hahaha, the younger generation-Y, (our parents are generation X) believes in competition because Competition invites COMPETENCY in any country, any organization that wants to do well. We fear complacency and overbearingness of a single-party, which oculd lead to...
I do admit though that times did change and the present primary ruling party DID a lot for us, fighting all the way for our "rights", bringing us out of racism and discrimination, post-war, starvation, poverty and established a lot of security, infrastructure for us...hm...yea they did do a lot for us...oh well....young people do enjoy watching a good game of "close fights"...sheesh. politics has become a sport...?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
in the dark of the night
The Word really spoke to me yesterday when i was just so desperate and hungry from physical lack of rest and because i have been thinking too much. but thinking is good. not over thinking. then i realised when i was a kid "7 days without the bible makes one WEAK" the Onomatopia (or onometopia) or pun on the "week" word. So i knew i needed the bible.
yes books do give us fresh ways of looking at things but the actual word itself i think is more direct and God-breathed. so i actually forgo-ed the whole after-work-must-meet-some-friends thing and went straight home to read.
Every page i stumbled upon was what I NEEDED to read. the amazing part was it came from of all books, Ecclesiastes! I mean hello i read that on the way to KL zonal camp last year on the bus. I realised only one truth sank in that time. it was "I realised at the end of my life all toil is meaningless". can u believe it? that was the only truth that sank in that time.
This time round however, more and more truths sprang out to me. Every single verse had an APPLICATION to the circumstances and emotions i was going through yesterday. EVERY SINGLE verse and i anyhow (which means didn't really care, listlessly) flipped to a chapter. And oh man. It was soooo precise. Let me tell you, if you are HUNGRY for Him and what He has to say, His Holy Spirit will be right there and even give you the wrong book ( i didn't intend to read ecclesiastes) with the right words u need to hear.
yes books do give us fresh ways of looking at things but the actual word itself i think is more direct and God-breathed. so i actually forgo-ed the whole after-work-must-meet-some-friends thing and went straight home to read.
Every page i stumbled upon was what I NEEDED to read. the amazing part was it came from of all books, Ecclesiastes! I mean hello i read that on the way to KL zonal camp last year on the bus. I realised only one truth sank in that time. it was "I realised at the end of my life all toil is meaningless". can u believe it? that was the only truth that sank in that time.
This time round however, more and more truths sprang out to me. Every single verse had an APPLICATION to the circumstances and emotions i was going through yesterday. EVERY SINGLE verse and i anyhow (which means didn't really care, listlessly) flipped to a chapter. And oh man. It was soooo precise. Let me tell you, if you are HUNGRY for Him and what He has to say, His Holy Spirit will be right there and even give you the wrong book ( i didn't intend to read ecclesiastes) with the right words u need to hear.
Monday, April 25, 2011
food we desperately need
i had a BAD saturday night. i had lack of sleep the night before, 5 hours of work the next day plus tuition and there was this girl pal of mine screaming for attention. and when i met her up at orchard road, told her my story and then she started scolding n judging me.
i will not tell her anything anymore to avoid being scolded. so......here i am clinging for the gracious truths in the bible that was spoken justly by God himself. You don't need to listen to advice that are spoken out of the person's own personal unresolved issues. (that's nothing to do with you at all). Seriously, deal with your own emotions and hurt first. And the best way to advice anyone is through your own example.
And as a result of being freaked out by her the night before, i missed church on sunday (but she's not in my church) and here i am writing out all these bible verses so i can go through my week.
fear not for i have redeemed you and called you by your name, you are mine. when you pass through the waters i will be with you, and through the rivers they will not overwhelm you. when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned nor scorched nor will the flame kindle upon you.
isaiah 43:1-2
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” - 1 Peter 1:18-19
For we walk by faith and not by sight or appearance. 2 Cor 5:7
For i am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers nr height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to seaparate us from the love of God which is in Jesus christ our Lord.
Romans 8:38
i will not tell her anything anymore to avoid being scolded. so......here i am clinging for the gracious truths in the bible that was spoken justly by God himself. You don't need to listen to advice that are spoken out of the person's own personal unresolved issues. (that's nothing to do with you at all). Seriously, deal with your own emotions and hurt first. And the best way to advice anyone is through your own example.
And as a result of being freaked out by her the night before, i missed church on sunday (but she's not in my church) and here i am writing out all these bible verses so i can go through my week.
fear not for i have redeemed you and called you by your name, you are mine. when you pass through the waters i will be with you, and through the rivers they will not overwhelm you. when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned nor scorched nor will the flame kindle upon you.
isaiah 43:1-2
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” - 1 Peter 1:18-19
For we walk by faith and not by sight or appearance. 2 Cor 5:7
For i am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers nr height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to seaparate us from the love of God which is in Jesus christ our Lord.
Romans 8:38
Saturday, April 23, 2011
an interesting post (warning: bgr ahead)
I had a very interesting week. And today i heard from one of the brothers in Christ that it's a turn off or rather "Girls these days like to initiate dates and relationships". He seemed really turned off by this fact.
Food for thought: if we girls never did anything, no smiles, no eye contact (We kept looking at our book or at the floor) no laughter, no kind gestures, no hints, would you all want or dare to do anything at all???
I think, for bgr (boy girl relationships) books and countless of them have been written all with expert PhD holders of psychology degrees, sociology degrees etc. However those are but opinions of man, influenced by the many experiences they've had, the sharings of others' experiences and even religious beliefs. my conclusion is this: we have to still LET GOD WRITE OUR OWN LOVE STORY.
We cannot base our own story on other's life stories!! Even if the person were almost similar in background and upbringing to yourself, your cousin, your sibling, your best friend, your neighbour, your church mate, your schoolmate, you cannot cannot think that the WAY you meet your future partner will be even SIMILAR to the way you meet yours.
And this is just the meeting the person part. the whole story and how it unfolds HAS to be LED BY GOD every single (pun intended) step of the way. You have to be led by the Holy spirit. If the Holy Spirit tells the GIRL/WOMAN to initiate certain things, she HAS TO. (take a look at REBECCA and Isaac in the bible). Of course if nothing happens after she initiates something, then it was not meant to be. lol.
So this is just the prayer part. the whole joy and beauty of it is really in the anticipation of the whole story unravelling. Sometimes God hides the person (not literally) but so you don't know WHO he or she is till the time is right. Why? because....he was preparing both of you or one of you. Or there were a lot of things both of you needed to do FOR HIM or FOR OThERS before you met.
(btw, i cant believe i used my whole brain these few days thinking about this - about 2-3 days)
And so the whole mystery of it all really makes me lie back, smile, float on the open sea, gaze at the sky, smile, while i trust that He watches our backs.
Food for thought: if we girls never did anything, no smiles, no eye contact (We kept looking at our book or at the floor) no laughter, no kind gestures, no hints, would you all want or dare to do anything at all???
I think, for bgr (boy girl relationships) books and countless of them have been written all with expert PhD holders of psychology degrees, sociology degrees etc. However those are but opinions of man, influenced by the many experiences they've had, the sharings of others' experiences and even religious beliefs. my conclusion is this: we have to still LET GOD WRITE OUR OWN LOVE STORY.
We cannot base our own story on other's life stories!! Even if the person were almost similar in background and upbringing to yourself, your cousin, your sibling, your best friend, your neighbour, your church mate, your schoolmate, you cannot cannot think that the WAY you meet your future partner will be even SIMILAR to the way you meet yours.
And this is just the meeting the person part. the whole story and how it unfolds HAS to be LED BY GOD every single (pun intended) step of the way. You have to be led by the Holy spirit. If the Holy Spirit tells the GIRL/WOMAN to initiate certain things, she HAS TO. (take a look at REBECCA and Isaac in the bible). Of course if nothing happens after she initiates something, then it was not meant to be. lol.
So this is just the prayer part. the whole joy and beauty of it is really in the anticipation of the whole story unravelling. Sometimes God hides the person (not literally) but so you don't know WHO he or she is till the time is right. Why? because....he was preparing both of you or one of you. Or there were a lot of things both of you needed to do FOR HIM or FOR OThERS before you met.
(btw, i cant believe i used my whole brain these few days thinking about this - about 2-3 days)
And so the whole mystery of it all really makes me lie back, smile, float on the open sea, gaze at the sky, smile, while i trust that He watches our backs.
Monday, April 11, 2011
grace AND truth
reaching the point where work becomes work...*nervous laughter*. no more holiday.. ok now its the real thing and back to going through the tough parts of work. and the only way is through the whole debris literally. u cant escape from life's work and pain that comes together. so.....let's all face it (the painful parts of life). but of course there is always the encouraging word. ;) :)
I feel that there has to be always a good mix and balance of grace and truth in every thing we do. It cannot be ALL truth and then there's no grace. People die from suffocation and control and anxiety attacks and fatigue and no morale.
However being too nice and gracious will lead to complacency, over-high expectations that cannot be fulfilled, and false hope and unfulfilled promises. And people feel like weaklings as they don't step up to their true potential and GROW....
So the best would to have in any community and workplace, a good measure of BOTH. and to know where to apply each.
I feel that there has to be always a good mix and balance of grace and truth in every thing we do. It cannot be ALL truth and then there's no grace. People die from suffocation and control and anxiety attacks and fatigue and no morale.
However being too nice and gracious will lead to complacency, over-high expectations that cannot be fulfilled, and false hope and unfulfilled promises. And people feel like weaklings as they don't step up to their true potential and GROW....
So the best would to have in any community and workplace, a good measure of BOTH. and to know where to apply each.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
to the east, to the east
Hello, this is soo cool. i actually get to be all the way in the EAST. hehehehe. and this new place brings tons of newfound energy, life and renewed hope and purpose. I don't know i guess there is much more space here.
i haven't moved, i actually am working at new site which is our lovely plane place. each day counts so much. oh but yah i really should quit bragging. it aint my intention to brag. and i'll only be here for like 1 mth plus anyway. i'm gonna make each day count.
i haven't moved, i actually am working at new site which is our lovely plane place. each day counts so much. oh but yah i really should quit bragging. it aint my intention to brag. and i'll only be here for like 1 mth plus anyway. i'm gonna make each day count.
Friday, April 1, 2011
spirit food.....u cant go 3 days without it
1 I will sing of your love and justice;
to you, LORD, I will sing praise.
2 I will be careful to lead a blameless life—
when will you come to me?
psalm 101
1 Praise the LORD, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
6 The LORD works righteousness
and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.
15 The life of mortals is like grass,
they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD’s love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children—
18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.
19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven,
and his kingdom rules over all.
20 Praise the LORD, you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his bidding,
who obey his word.
21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
you his servants who do his will.
22 Praise the LORD, all his works
everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the LORD, my soul.
Psalm 103
to you, LORD, I will sing praise.
2 I will be careful to lead a blameless life—
when will you come to me?
psalm 101
1 Praise the LORD, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
6 The LORD works righteousness
and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.
15 The life of mortals is like grass,
they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD’s love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children—
18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.
19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven,
and his kingdom rules over all.
20 Praise the LORD, you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his bidding,
who obey his word.
21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
you his servants who do his will.
22 Praise the LORD, all his works
everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the LORD, my soul.
Psalm 103
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
total honesty is the first step to the healing
Lately i have had friends or acquaintances mention about themselves or others feeling insecure about themselves. I feel that the healing process or the beginning of becoming whole can only happen when we are honest about our insecurities and how we really feel on the inside before we truly can get healed and strengthened - yup, from the inside out. but the truth, the honest truth is, you have to be completely HONEST first, with God, with yourself. honesty is actually the key to ANY form of healing.
i agree that a lot of people try to look joyful or happy but you don't know what is truly going on inside.
and the secret is really this: admitting it to someone / anyone.
Know your own fears, failures, doubts, insecurities and get REAL about them. If you have been wrong about something, admit it. If you have been having this motive all along, just speak it out. You will be surprised that saying what you really think and feel to God, at least, starts the healing process.
getting secure with God means Getting to know Him not just know about Him. the simplest start is just to talk to Him about anything. It could be about the weather even, haha. when you have established some kind of connection, who needs spiritists and psychics when you have a loving Father and God?
i agree that a lot of people try to look joyful or happy but you don't know what is truly going on inside.
and the secret is really this: admitting it to someone / anyone.
Know your own fears, failures, doubts, insecurities and get REAL about them. If you have been wrong about something, admit it. If you have been having this motive all along, just speak it out. You will be surprised that saying what you really think and feel to God, at least, starts the healing process.
getting secure with God means Getting to know Him not just know about Him. the simplest start is just to talk to Him about anything. It could be about the weather even, haha. when you have established some kind of connection, who needs spiritists and psychics when you have a loving Father and God?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
new placing
finally, the big move has happened. erm, i had to learn from scratch everything DIY. (do it yourself). Which is really fun on its own actually.
From moving furniture to cleaning toilets to mopping to buying cleaning detergents, to laundry, to boiling water.....yay!! it is just so fun....my flat mate is a girl pal from same church as me....
with independence also comes a lot of extra duties. oh well but i do enjoy each season i have.
From moving furniture to cleaning toilets to mopping to buying cleaning detergents, to laundry, to boiling water.....yay!! it is just so fun....my flat mate is a girl pal from same church as me....
with independence also comes a lot of extra duties. oh well but i do enjoy each season i have.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Ok i just watched this really cool yet scary show. but no worries it was not about.....horror nor murders. it was about survival instead....and i'm just thinking, gee we're that wired and the thing inside us (which is frankly, our spirits) survive and live for our dreams more than mere basic needs.
Argh......this guy was crazy in the show....yes one man mostly......but he was crazy...really. you could almost feel like you're really him in the show. and of course that show is none other than 127 hours....lol. but it was really good about the human spirit and how we fight for survival.
But pondering on the whole coolness part of it.......it got me thinking serious deep thoughts. like,
1) what is the thing that keeps us alive despite whatever....
2) when we meet our Creator, how will we feel?
3) when we meet our creator, what can we show him about our lives/did we do enough?
4) Is "loving our neighbor" about good actions and deeds or not harming them? or going the extra mile?
5)i feel everything, as long as the bible teaches it, is true and beneficial for the soul and for people.
Argh......this guy was crazy in the show....yes one man mostly......but he was crazy...really. you could almost feel like you're really him in the show. and of course that show is none other than 127 hours....lol. but it was really good about the human spirit and how we fight for survival.
But pondering on the whole coolness part of it.......it got me thinking serious deep thoughts. like,
1) what is the thing that keeps us alive despite whatever....
2) when we meet our Creator, how will we feel?
3) when we meet our creator, what can we show him about our lives/did we do enough?
4) Is "loving our neighbor" about good actions and deeds or not harming them? or going the extra mile?
5)i feel everything, as long as the bible teaches it, is true and beneficial for the soul and for people.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
my new blog entry
sometimes the vday mood really shifts our focus back to....the humdrum of life...for those going through this stage of singlehood, i think i wanna encourage all of us to treasure and redeem the time we have to ourselves and oh yes, to pursure our passions in life. this time will be of no more when we all give of ourselves to our respective partners and new families.
also think about all the exercise we could get while we're single...as long as it doesn't become an addiction. good habits have higher chances of turning into addictions moreso cos they are good. imagine eating glass. why is it not ever going to be an addiction? that's because its hurtful and harmful to us.
so....back to topic....we have to make full use of every hour we have to ourselves, use it unto God also, for Him and unto Him....and with Him.
also think about all the exercise we could get while we're single...as long as it doesn't become an addiction. good habits have higher chances of turning into addictions moreso cos they are good. imagine eating glass. why is it not ever going to be an addiction? that's because its hurtful and harmful to us.
so....back to topic....we have to make full use of every hour we have to ourselves, use it unto God also, for Him and unto Him....and with Him.
Monday, January 31, 2011
God i pray this will be the year of the FRUIT of the SPIRIT and not about Rabbits or horoscopes. I pray we and people will be focussed on things of the spirit as in spiritual things and not only wealth and horoscopes, numerology, occultic practices. We renounce and nullify break the works of horoscopes, astrology, occult, fortune telling, curses, fears, numerology, spiritists, palmistry, false religion and beliefs, rituals, and witchcraft this year for everyone reading this.
We break and nullify generational curses, curses, strongholds, spiritual bondages, oppression, anger, sins or bad things said by others to us in the past present and future and claim upon every blessing and good thing God has in store for those who love Him and believe in Christ's death n resurrection.
please Lord, cleanse our sins too, forgive our sins as we sincerely forgive those who have said or done things against us, consciously or unconsciously. We forgive them just as you sacrificially gave Jesus and forgave us. We pray and seek your purposes and blessings for us this year and beyond.
I pray for a heightened awareness of God-things of everyone and not only good things in the world. I pray more and more will awaken in their spirit man to hear from You and to be curious to find out the one true God and to know you through dreams, visions, people, literature, media of Your truths and of Your presence.
In Jesus's most precious name, Amen
We break and nullify generational curses, curses, strongholds, spiritual bondages, oppression, anger, sins or bad things said by others to us in the past present and future and claim upon every blessing and good thing God has in store for those who love Him and believe in Christ's death n resurrection.
please Lord, cleanse our sins too, forgive our sins as we sincerely forgive those who have said or done things against us, consciously or unconsciously. We forgive them just as you sacrificially gave Jesus and forgave us. We pray and seek your purposes and blessings for us this year and beyond.
I pray for a heightened awareness of God-things of everyone and not only good things in the world. I pray more and more will awaken in their spirit man to hear from You and to be curious to find out the one true God and to know you through dreams, visions, people, literature, media of Your truths and of Your presence.
In Jesus's most precious name, Amen
Friday, January 28, 2011
symptoms of pride
I read somewhere pride is not just showing off what we have. it rears its ugly head in other forms:
fearing failure too much.
comparing ourselves with others too much.
Are these fears from people around us, or ourselves, or some other external voice or God?
What is the root reason why we fear so much?
What is the fine line between "healthy pressure" from people around and the real, frustrating, fear that numbs and confuses us about the direction we have planned for ourselves and what God has shown/spoken to you personally?
Is it a need or a want to follow what our peers are doing and saying?
It it is not a need, why is it a must or a want then?
fearing failure too much.
comparing ourselves with others too much.
Are these fears from people around us, or ourselves, or some other external voice or God?
What is the root reason why we fear so much?
What is the fine line between "healthy pressure" from people around and the real, frustrating, fear that numbs and confuses us about the direction we have planned for ourselves and what God has shown/spoken to you personally?
Is it a need or a want to follow what our peers are doing and saying?
It it is not a need, why is it a must or a want then?
Monday, January 24, 2011
What to say when i've got nothing to write about...
Sometimes, people we meet often or our family becomes our own life journals or blogs. They are there to listen to our every sigh, joy, complain, go through life with us. The question is this then, do we take them as a wall or er, punching bag...haha. I don't mean literally but a lot of times we tend to treasure people we see less, more. We are more polite to strangers, for example.
If you don't see your blog under "blogs i follow" its a logical reason - you have not updated your blog the past one whole year. and being on my reading list and links i happened to notice it, so it would save me a lot of time to just zoom in on blogs that are still active and not dormant or extinct...heh.
This week my cell was discussing the book of ezekiel. we were amazed he was even asked to do such weird and strange things, like lie on his left side for 390 days representing the 390 years Israel rebelled against God. Like for instance, seriously, how does he even go to the toilet? So the challenge was this: Would we do what God would ask us to do, even if it were something totally out of character?
Sometimes, people we meet often or our family becomes our own life journals or blogs. They are there to listen to our every sigh, joy, complain, go through life with us. The question is this then, do we take them as a wall or er, punching bag...haha. I don't mean literally but a lot of times we tend to treasure people we see less, more. We are more polite to strangers, for example.
If you don't see your blog under "blogs i follow" its a logical reason - you have not updated your blog the past one whole year. and being on my reading list and links i happened to notice it, so it would save me a lot of time to just zoom in on blogs that are still active and not dormant or extinct...heh.
This week my cell was discussing the book of ezekiel. we were amazed he was even asked to do such weird and strange things, like lie on his left side for 390 days representing the 390 years Israel rebelled against God. Like for instance, seriously, how does he even go to the toilet? So the challenge was this: Would we do what God would ask us to do, even if it were something totally out of character?
Sunday, January 9, 2011
dispensing somewhat useful or useless advice
Look world...here comes kim's writings again.
Ok....i really believe in the words Seize the Day cos really everything from the start does happen for a reason and God is sovereign. God could have said "Ok Adam and Eve you have sinned, so let's restart making earth again!" But he didn't. He let things carry on as they were. So He is still sovereign and in control....
totally moved by this great movie i just watched but only liked the last one third of it which was the love between the couple. the guy totally loved the girl and was sacrificial. the girl also loved the guy but didn't verbalise it directly. she was afraid of troubling him for the rest of his life because she had parkinson's disease. but he told her this "I don't care. Even if it means I have to carry you around..." They were in tears by then....oh man. Ok of course the movie could have abided by God's rules right from the start. I think if it were a lot cleaner the first 2 thirds, it could have probably won an Academy award. But well in the end things took a turn and changed into love. real sacrificial love.
Ok....i really believe in the words Seize the Day cos really everything from the start does happen for a reason and God is sovereign. God could have said "Ok Adam and Eve you have sinned, so let's restart making earth again!" But he didn't. He let things carry on as they were. So He is still sovereign and in control....
totally moved by this great movie i just watched but only liked the last one third of it which was the love between the couple. the guy totally loved the girl and was sacrificial. the girl also loved the guy but didn't verbalise it directly. she was afraid of troubling him for the rest of his life because she had parkinson's disease. but he told her this "I don't care. Even if it means I have to carry you around..." They were in tears by then....oh man. Ok of course the movie could have abided by God's rules right from the start. I think if it were a lot cleaner the first 2 thirds, it could have probably won an Academy award. But well in the end things took a turn and changed into love. real sacrificial love.
Monday, January 3, 2011
issues, circumstances, problems.....
Sigh. What would life be, without problems?
The strange thing is that with every problem or issue comes a golden chance, a chance to set things right, a chance to prove God's might in you.
A gal pal once said in her email to a group, "Embrace the process of whatever goal you aim at."
Destination is important but equally important is the best friend called process. So instead of screaming running sighing crying or asking for help all the time, i will embrace the process of facing life. Some singer also mentioned that without the bad things of life, you wont enjoy the good. Without bitter and sour, u don't know what sweet means. Without winter, there cant be spring. For me is without pain there cant be appreciation of no-pain.
The strange thing is that with every problem or issue comes a golden chance, a chance to set things right, a chance to prove God's might in you.
A gal pal once said in her email to a group, "Embrace the process of whatever goal you aim at."
Destination is important but equally important is the best friend called process. So instead of screaming running sighing crying or asking for help all the time, i will embrace the process of facing life. Some singer also mentioned that without the bad things of life, you wont enjoy the good. Without bitter and sour, u don't know what sweet means. Without winter, there cant be spring. For me is without pain there cant be appreciation of no-pain.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
contact lenses
A Totally spent day.
This new year,
I'm seeking to know fully and understand your divine plan for me as to where exactly you want me to go and what u want me to do. I pray for open and closed doors FROM You.
I rejoice over movies done by christian producers who have likeminded brothers and sisters in Christ pray over them so there are breakthroughs in the spiritual realm.
I am happy to meet marketplace christians who do a great job, or enjoy their jobs thoroughly and are actively finding ways to share their faith in little ways. heh.
I Seek to grow in perseverance and adaptability and apply proverbs or psalms to my life not read but apply and act on it.I hope to enjoy in reading and applying the Ryrie Bible given to me.
This new year,
I'm seeking to know fully and understand your divine plan for me as to where exactly you want me to go and what u want me to do. I pray for open and closed doors FROM You.
I rejoice over movies done by christian producers who have likeminded brothers and sisters in Christ pray over them so there are breakthroughs in the spiritual realm.
I am happy to meet marketplace christians who do a great job, or enjoy their jobs thoroughly and are actively finding ways to share their faith in little ways. heh.
I Seek to grow in perseverance and adaptability and apply proverbs or psalms to my life not read but apply and act on it.I hope to enjoy in reading and applying the Ryrie Bible given to me.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New is not present and not old.
i love words - playing with them, arranging them, different arrangements can bring out different tones and meanings...and attitudes. My English teacher in college when i was 17 once mentioned that influential people of the past used emotive words that could alter people's emotions and change thinking. She gave us extracts of such speeches made in the past and told us to highlight the phrases or sentences that were not so much factual but emotive.
This is the verse for the day:
“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:16, 18-19
This is the verse for the day:
“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:16, 18-19
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