Monday, April 11, 2011

grace AND truth

reaching the point where work becomes work...*nervous laughter*. no more holiday.. ok now its the real thing and back to going through the tough parts of work. and the only way is through the whole debris literally. u cant escape from life's work and pain that comes together. so.....let's all face it (the painful parts of life). but of course there is always the encouraging word. ;) :)

I feel that there has to be always a good mix and balance of grace and truth in every thing we do. It cannot be ALL truth and then there's no grace. People die from suffocation and control and anxiety attacks and fatigue and no morale.

However being too nice and gracious will lead to complacency, over-high expectations that cannot be fulfilled, and false hope and unfulfilled promises. And people feel like weaklings as they don't step up to their true potential and GROW....

So the best would to have in any community and workplace, a good measure of BOTH. and to know where to apply each.

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