I felt i was in another country actually. bcos i didnt have a wink of sleep at ALL the night before. and i was told that some people running half marathon slept by 7pm the evening before.
So that led to the panic button....and thus no sleep.
I ended up "running for a cause" just like the theme of this year's Std Chartered run... which was to stuff myself with a huge carbo intake of maggi mee....2 packets worth and a fried egg. and Teh bing. The cause was thus to shed the fresh load of fats. The reason was "to burn"....
And burn i did indeed. The sun was scorching!! The only reason why i had to run the first 22km was cos the sun was gonna come up fully by 9am and i prob wouldn't be able to be fast any more.
So i broke my own resolution of walking the first 25km....hahaha.
let's go in tens of km.
1 - 10km: Cool Orchard road christmas lights....excited NS boys talking about who to run with and how fast they should go. middle aged men commenting they were just gonna walk the whole way. ppl plugged into ipods. Deejay rah-rahing....loud music. talked to a girl who offered her rubber band to me. non singaporean girl. passed by groups of samba masala drummers (should be from SMU). very inspiring beats that make u wanna jog more. passed by outram park, ayah...my work place area....sheesh....more music.
11-20km: esplanade to kallang....ooh didn't know how kallang connects to east coast...lol. now i know. singing some church songs in my head....start thinking of the toilet and how bad i need the toilet. east coast, nice scenery....and fresh dew smell. Some guys talk so loudly while running, "i don't like to be pressured by other runners.I want to go at my own speed." Good point. But the girls were more silent.

21-30km: People start dropping by the side of the track and tending to aching muscles or cramps. mostly guys. After 25km i was like......wondering why i wasn't dead yet....no sleep....
31-32: Met a 19 yr old to chat with for 1km
32-33: Thank God for benches to rest
33-35: Marina barrage in its actual form....looks like a dam....some construction work going on. Met a 24 yr old to walk with for 2 km, learnt that the most important thing in the run was to know u completed it wholly and on your own...and not about hitting the cutoff timing....like who in the first place is supposed to set ANY cutoff timing for people's own running?? what 8 hours rubbish! it wasn't true at all.
35-37: I give up! I have blisters....sunburn and i am wondering why i am not dead yet from exhaustion and no sleep. i tell the medics exactly that. and i stop under the MBS (in FRONT of MBS) and sleep for 35 min....I am not losing my life for a teeshirt!! and for a marathon!
38-42: Woke up and realised i was looking at a few runnners (who were actually the last batch of runners thats why there was a few of them only)...decided to just walk the rest of the way....met a girl twice my size and stopped to ask if she needed help. she was chatty and we were like "let's walk together!" so we did that and i realised it was UPGHILL.....the highway. i freaked out again....and the only thing i could do was....pray and.....God gave me an interesting solution....and finally....after much sunburn and hobbling like a creature from the sea....and small talk with a few strangers....
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