Saturday, May 21, 2011


I realize, i have to touch base with the deepest desires from my heart and cannot wander like a cloud, following the crowd. Ok my desires dont exactly follow the crowd but I have favourites out of the likeable things in life still.
And unless I stick to what I value most, I cannot be the most happy. I'm serious, you cannot be absolutely happy unless you're very honest about your favourite, for example, pasttime, among all the pasttimes you like.
And I didn't know how powerfully our goals and dreams can drive and motivate And how much putting goals and dreams down in words can help. I am still praying for the chance to do what I want and go to those places.


Pris said...

Hi Kimbarley!!! :)

I just realized that you have a blog too when I was looking through my archives!!!! How are you???

Anonymous said...

Heyya Prissy,
Ah finally you discovered I have a blog eh? I have been telling you I have a blog since i discovered yours.
How have you been? I've been good...tired lately. Hows things with you? Kid on the way eh?