Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Love", really?

Notice how the world especially the usa, ok it all started from the USA (oops no offence again), who used the words "LOVE" so easily...My colleague loves (oops used again) to tell us girl colleagues this: "You guys nowadays use the word "LOVE" so freely and easily, its as though, what - you think love DROPS on your lap or something? you fall IN and OUT of love?"
"You know what love really is?" he continued..
"Love is like those senior couples we meet on the streets at 60 or 70 years old, they're still holding hands.Or your parents fought the day before and the next day, your mom still wakes up at 5am to make tea for your dad. Like as though nothing happened." we discussed 3 of us.....and we came to the conclusion that love is 1) a verb (actions) and 2) grows in a relationship and 3) is proven with time

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