Monday, October 14, 2013

learning thru my least favourite activity

i actually do not really like ktv or kareok (american version) or karaoke (singaporean version)....
i don't hate it but i don't love it and not that fond of it......unless it really has crazy pop or rock or fast songs. i am not a fan of slow sentimental songs for karaoke for some reason (which i duno still trying to think why).

oh i do not love singing because i had 3 years of singing in the choir in sec school. choir people and friends were amazing and i made so many unexpected friends and had good times thru getting scolded by our choir teacher and teasing each other and making fun of teachers behind their backs hahaha.

but i was always deep down more interested in sports or even dance. So anyway......

despite my dislike of ktv last week i had two sessions and i went because it was for the sake of company or friends. and it was one wasp paid for. the other was about $14. i had a lot of fun despite having 1) some nasal problems 2) songs i didnt understand in thai, cantonese and some chinese songs (some only not all)

the best part was LEARNING new songs and new messages from good The Fray.....i really liked one of their songs. the message behind it rather....though sad.....about some friend whose life he could have saved....if he had known how to save.....and some music videos were good......not just about promoting parts....of the anatomy.... :)

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