Friday, June 22, 2012

no faith in this world

Going very deep into questioning myself and others, i think the best gifts in life are not what people think make one happy but rather the simple things in life.


Anonymous said...

You always make simple thing looks complex! Thats's you

Anonymous said...

I do?? What do you think my motives are? take a closer deeper look.and u will see

Anonymous said...

If you happy and you know you clap your hands. You are easily elated by what layman comment! You like to argue most of the time, fight for your rights some of the time and demand unreasonable requests all the time.

Anonymous said...

should i take your first part of your comment, "elated by what layman comment" and discard everything else u said then? i for sure do NOT demand unreasonable requests all the time...the words "Always" and "all the time" are extremely strong words, no?

By the way, what unreasonable requests????
