Friday, June 25, 2010

THE dream (strange dream i had this week)

Why was my cell group mate (gal), E in there?? lol!! but there i was , we were both punished for crime. some murder thingy!!! I got framed or i accidentally was involved in it and i was sentenced to 3rd degree murder (the least serious one) lol!!! i know its hard to believe such a weird drama dream but it was sooo exciting!

so i was, along with E (gal from my current cell grp), facing punishment. sigh.

i was given lethal injection!! But thankfully my punishment was only the 1st stage of lethal injection, where the full dose of Lethal injection was a total of 6 parts, full dose. 6 stages. some friends told me i could die after taking the first jab. i was bracing for the worst.

Then i took the jab. wasn't the least bit painful! I waited to "die".
I told God "Why do you want me back so soon?" I felt sooo sooo sad inside me. I was crying so much not cause i was scared or self-pitying or sad for myself but because I had so much time more I could live to the max on earth; so many things undone, not started etc. It was a very horrible waste!

I talked to all my friends, acquaintances, told them i loved them, that I wanted so much to be with them still.

seriously.....i saw people i normally wouldn't talk to and i managed to talk to them for real.

I told them this is it. it was horrendously in my face reality........I was termbling with 1) how it would feel to die, 2) how wasted this was to have done something as stupid as murder accidentally, and get into this mess. 3) i cried all the time but i wasn't sad sad, nor bitter nor mad. i was just like "Not so soon.....God, please.....i have so many things i have to do, and and purpose in life and all that. Everyone is looking at me like i should live many more years....oh nooo...."

Then after the shot, i just walked around, smiled at everyone my last smiles and waited......

people gave me pitying looks.

I didn't care......i wanted to live, not live in what they thought of me.

i waited......time flew......seconds ticked away.

minutes passed. 3-4 horus passed. Nothing happened.

I didn't die yet?

I smiled again once more at people.

I walked around the village, waving at people and praying. It had little huts and houses.

Then i remembered after waiting a bit more.

It was the 6th or 7th lethal jab that would cause death, not the first one.

I didn't die after all!!

I woke up.

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