Saturday, January 2, 2010

being a tourist

finally i don't just tour people around i get to be one! oh hohoho.
it was a very interesting how when you first go to a place you didnt know what to expect but the second time round you're prepared with what your goals are. and i accomplished what itwas there for.

for one, i did some prayer walking. was mostly walking and exploring at first then it got meaningless like some cold workout on the streets due to the weather. then it got cool when you started praying and seeing things and people and places from a spiritual viewpoint. like how some of us were trained before trips. on the first evening walking around bustling hong kong i thought immediately it was spiritually quite extreme darkness....but it could do with more faith strengthening. and out-reaching like leaving their homes and comfort zones and going out there to people who are hungry or lost. and with Shenzhen, it was no knowledge of God at all? to them there God does not exist or why should there be a God?

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