Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's soo funny how.....

I am so humbled again and again at how God brings me thru silly situations every single time i face a trial where I feel i'm helpless, as helpless as the korean word "B***** ****" (its supposed to be a bad word hehe). You can almost hear Him speak to you, indeed it is, during the darkest and most difficult or crazy times. It has happened to me.

In the course of last last week I witnssed how just a spark of blind faith (i was closing my eyes that time) could save my life. And I saw how God wants us to keep having the heart to do the right thing. In all circumstances. first hand encounter.

Also this week.....whoaa......what a "remarkable experience" of facing my giants.....nothing scary though. just a lot of patience and quite a bit of work. But He speaks a whole lot during trials trust me. He does.

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