Friday, March 13, 2009

dense mind, rich food, change, perthing

every time i step into a new country or new group of people aka community, my mindsets and perceptions always change a little after interacting with them. most of the time i reailse there are so many things i don't or didn't know, new things to learn, new values to learn which are good and new ways of thinking and lifestyle etc....being at my cousin's wedding now, i've had the great chance of meeting not just her troupe but her groom's troupe. then i realised living overseas is so different from living back home...duhh. but yah. its really quite a happening place. but i would say that there are different sets of skills n qualities the individual can grow in in every place.

some of the stuff are: i wonder how its like being on the road for miles and miles of smooth driving every day or taking ages to reach the next neighbouhood on foot.
do people always have sleepovers or what westerners call "slumber parties" every week or 2 at friends' homes? are beef steaks and salad the norm for a meal? =P there are many more things i'd like to say but oh well.....heh. =P

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