My plans for this coming year is to go to the uk. i wasn't done visiting museums in london. but the problem is......ah......if i am going to fly there museums can't be the only thing on my itinerary. there's gotta be more concrete stuff to do there. maybe visit all the churches i was at the other time. look for a job......when the job economy there may not be as welcoming to a foreigner as here.......argh. i duno u know....visit singaporean friends who are there as well as some english acquaintances i've made while there last last dec 2012. may go elsewhere instead of uk also......may go usa or southeast asia or kazakhstan. lol. just need a break to really see the world but so much better with a strong purpose and not just to "see". pretty surprised parents were ok with me leaving the country or at least got a verbal "ok lor. you're old enough" in typical singlish.

retrospecting 2013?
not much to say......had a whole load of emotional upheavals and "downturns" slightly big changes every 3-4 a sports team change, a job change. the job changes didnt hurt at all as i am hahaha used to them? the sports group......i followed my true north and did what i always do in the secret or public......that which i like naturally.......running. and believe me, even when i don't have my good friends there on some days or when the cute guy/guys don't appear, i still run and enjoy it......that really showed me i need to always pick a job or hobby i really like to do so that no matter what......i would still do it. rain, shine, tired, no mood, bored, angry, frustrated, sleepy, hungry, wrongly accused, headaches, i still run.....
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