Monday, April 19, 2010


suddenly i realise i can't be talking good news on internet all e time. lolz. i have to be more real or realistic. ok i mean on the blog.

There are Things that i said myself that kept reiterating back to me whole last week and this weekend in partciular as i prepared for a major today: Lesson Observation. I prayed, thought deeply, planned, "Is this going to be feasible?" "Will they cooperate?" "Does group work work better for them or pair or individual?"

Then you realise God is so big that He doesn't need our help to get things done, nor need us to push our way through each door, for us to join matchmaking agencies, or for us to fight and defend ourselves when we are wronged. Then another church sister Repeated this to me after a jog on sunday!

The quote i mentioned in previous post "No one can take your calling away from you. Cos only God can....its 1) personal and between you and God, 2) why would you give up on your own special calling? kept coming back to me as well while preparing for lesson observations. and it HAS to be God cos.....the whole thing went 1) smoothly, 2) the kids totally cooperated and even were at their smartest, most responsive, 3) helped each other solve the problems 4) worked together to solve group problems. They (Donald duck, my cutest student) let out a giggle though, when he realised the whole class was stiff and not their usual self. Incredible Hulk (a student who turns red, clenches his fists and changes facial expression when angry) was amazingly self controlled and alert and cooperative and fast in group work.

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