Monday, October 12, 2009

Scary dream

scary dream last night can actually make me more encouraged than a sweet dream!
it was another one of those "must be from God kinda dreams" where i wake up remembering! and it was scary. not in the horror sense. i only remembered the ending part of it, so i guess it has to be from God.......because usually i don't remember any of my dreams.

i was in a train......then suddenly it got stuck......and there was some weird smoke.....and i was there frantically smelling the horrible smells and trying to escape and help others escape. it was soo tough getting to the other side.......and trying to pull people with me, to the escape door. the process seemed to take ages. then i saw one of the enemy (God's enemy) with a sinister grin.

then i awoke.

Immediately i knew it was God trying to tell me to remember the task of helping to save souls. "What is of more value than a person's soul?" The message seemed to ring clear.

i was like "whoa........i have kinda forgotten this past 3-4 weeks! I was so busy doing stuff, having schedules to meet, i totally forgot about helping to save souls and er, quiet time."

What will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?
Matt 16:26

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