Sunday, December 14, 2008

in quietness or in chattiness?

gee, this is soo weird! i have listening bouts and chatting bouts and sometimes, neither of these. what i mean is sometimes i just wanna listen not talk. i suspect its more like a girl or a woman gotta talk her 5000 words a day quota. that's according to the author of 'men are from mars, women from venus'. lol.

but i really could have given a pat on my back today for risking getting disappointed or scolded today by running an errand for my parents. I went to that place alone!! whew! it went successfully because....

over the past 2 months i avoided doing this good deed for them, and prayed a lot for it as a result to make up for it. and now i guess u can never see how the Holy spirit works in people. came the results. woo hoo.

i can't emphasise enough how important prayer is before a competition, before anything crucial, exams, etc etc.

and the ministry of reconciliation and restoration is the central theme of the christian life. why is it never easy working at it.....reconciliation?

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