Saturday, August 2, 2008

festival of praise 2008

"I long to speak to you, into YOUR life. not just into 'others' or 'other people'."

Today marks a serious day in my life (as of 2008) where i seriously connected with God. and am very convicted and sure of it.

I wasn't alone though.....after the word was preached, the thousands around me (20 000?) at the Singapore Indoor Stadium were also in deep prayer, some arms raised, some hands to their hearts, some heads bowed, some whispering to Him.....and connecting heart to heart with their God.....our God.

When i gazed around at the masses, no one was looking at all, everyone were just eyes-closed, totally engaged, engrossed in the connection or conversation, heart to heart. then i had this strange thought suddenly, "hey it's not just about others. God wants to talk to ME."

then i felt sooo strongly and saw with my own eyes around me (the people connecting) that it was a "God LONGS to connect with the people he made...not just 'wants' but 'longs to'.

So yea i flowed with the crowd (Thank God for good peer pressure) and there and then, spoke my heart out to God and heard Him then He seemed to reveal this flashback...about my recent East Asia trip.............

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