Monday, April 23, 2007

silly youtubes

bimbos and himbos (lol)

i was just thinkin about how gals have their own preferences in males too, like how males have their constant comparisons about types of women.

like for instance i know one of my older gal frens, who's chinese (27 yrs old) who told me this:
"that guy's quite cute but he's Blond."
"whats wrong?" i said.
"guess its how the media pictures blonds u know...haha"
"oh the 'dumb blond thing'. i thot that was for women?"
"hahaha. yes but i guess it affects the way girls see the guys too."
"so u prefer brunettes for guys?"

In a world that places a bit too much ImPoRtAnCe on looks...i'm wondering, is it those magazines? or is it TV? By the way, models on magazines are air-brushed (meaning, their pics are edited).

take a look at this you-tube (who said only girls were bimbos?):

i mean....seriously....sometimes it just gets the media can just with one show.....influence all our thinking.

Thus with each magazine, book or show you or i watch, dig deep for the positive elements, analyse the negative and the spiritual content.


Tuomo said...

Blond man is the best :) ha ha!
I think all hair colour is good.

Unknown said...

i've always had a thing for brunettes over blondes. don't know why!

Barley said...

hey thanks for this you tube thingy sandy! haha....yea brunettes rule...

Barley said...

yea all hair colours are good. all God's creation indeed.