Wednesday, April 9, 2014

humour/humor in an advert i saw today

adverts at the MRT station today caught my eye. about animals we eat or love.....oh well.

but this time i have decided about that strange guy who seems to represent like 4-5 people (or more).

if it's a stupid puzzle or lame or non urgent......i will not solve it. haw haw. i will just continue to play along. or try to....weakly.

i realise that the whole neighbourhood and community, consisting of strangers you never met in person, can know about your whole entire history since you were in primary school or kindergarten (all the silliest events) and be actually interested in it....and yet not know you in person. of course this would also help remind me of myself and all my strangest habits and happenings or sightings in years to come. ;)

thank God for such a thing called humor that has existed since times where donkeys could speak and mules were always used to represent stubborn people....horses to represent conquests and battles, sheep and goats to illustrate difference in attitudes of people, and whales in jonah's case to accomplish his purpose as well. and......the funniest people in strangest most awkward situations used for his purposes too.

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