Monday, March 3, 2014

lighthearted post for the week

after all that has happened. the craziness of it all or more like psychoness of this half a year....
well i guess with every storm or difficult time there will be a rainbow? there's so much hype about seasons of life in temperate countries but for tropical regions, it is just rain, clouds and storms. so that cometh with.......rainbows. not all the time, sometimes.
I have given up being curious or kaypoh. why....because if i snoop around etc or stalk people on facebook, they also stalk me? i think so.......or maybe its the guilt of stalking others online haha. not that i really do...i just read their latest "updates" of of course, people i am interested to know about. not just anybody. :)
I would say the weekends that i plan a lot, i don't get so much done but those weeks I have a slight plan or sketchy plan, things happen more "happeningly" in a good sense.
the most funny thing that happened to me on last weekend was this: i will never believe this. i didnt check the time of a wedding i was supposed to go to properly and showed up 3 hours after it finished. the venue was right though. so.......i actually........laughed at myself. seriously. like the whole stretch of walking away from the hotel venue, i was smiling at myself. it was in a way good but sad because i didnt meet some people. but good because i wouldn't have to meet them too. hah. partly because of the pressure like "oh when's your turn?" "are you next?".......but yes i have decided.......not to stalk people and news online. ever again. :) but then again......

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