Thursday, June 27, 2013


I was blessed to receive some surprising prayer from a lady i didnt meet or talk to for a long time (like since i was 10). she gave me two verses from the bible. i did bump into her from time to time and say hi.

And I was blessed to be involved in a problem or crisis one of my friends is facing now. The other person involved is someone i don't know well at all. And i would think that if i had known her better maybe, just maybe, things would have been better. but what could i do when there was such a huge barrier talking to her or getting even close to holding a conversation.
i would think that good same-gender friendships or communication are really vital to me personally.

Yes i appreciate and love the opposite gender more of course.....! They would make much better life partners (hahaha) and co-parents for my future kids (hopefully if i have) but same-gender friendships need to be there for support and understanding.

it is just disheartening and demoralising at office (work CAN be a hazard, even office jobs) when people don't use the tone they would like to have others speak to them. i had to speak to a colleague abt this.....sigh!!

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