Tuesday, January 13, 2009


but how many people really have inspiration to blog everyday? besides every time i blog, i feel like i'm telling the whole world about a bit of my life. which is.....good and can be bad too. but seriously what does a life well lived mean to you? I feel, life is about telling. telling your story. (i mean a bit of it not 100%) by that, you could be helping, entertaining or taking someone away from their own worries/problems. (at least for a while).

i'm real happy today in a way because....haha, God knows i have my own personal dreams to fulfil. Isn't he wonderful? he knows that no way would we be totally satisfied in somebody else's dream. Like the case of a girl who did a law degree only to please her parents and then upon, graduation, telling her parents "this is for you." then proceeding to do her degree in Music. so, here i am.....still doing my bit......for the aim/goal/dream/ambition/target.


Love Jam said...

A life life lived well, is a life lived on your own terms.

Barley said...

hahaaha......u think so ah......hmm....i think its PARTLY true only though. don't forget God desires our obedience more than sacrifice.

Love Jam said...

haha obedient doesn't sound like an attractive word...some supervisors assume that you're obedient so they push you around

Barley said...

hmm thats in the area of work...can still talk to these supervisors about how u feel about their pushing...that's in a way, being assertive too. but u can't change them. hmm...pray?