Thursday, January 10, 2008

Vietnam Part 2

shucks man, lost that burst of word prowess i had last week. maybe that "inspirational feeling" of those holiday "mountain top" experience, just like any other spiritual high, does wear off.

but the substance, the real deep stuff that impacts or impacted u, the truth of the matter, the lessons learnt etc etc, runs deep.

So the next big thing i did was conquer the fear of TRAFFIC. ha. bet no one knew this. so embarrassing. i never liked and always tried avoiding jaywalking. i would rather wait the next round of green traffic lights to cross a Singapore road. that was .....vietnam!! imagine 10-15 rows of motorbikes er, aiming at you......if you're lucky they slow lah they generally all TRY to slow down when they see people crossing. but traffic lights do not help at all. unless there is some marshall around.

the next scary experience is yet to be written.

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