(Casting crowns)
Here is last Fri's (not this week one) Baptism service....with my dearez ntu crusade juniors.
the baptism boy was andrew in green. hehe.
Andrea looks pretty on the far left in black. The rest, Zhixian (@ very back), Caroline (beige pants), Kin Leong (white, beside me), Jon Lame(striped), Jessica (in green), Liling (dark green), Yr one gal (white, long hair)....forgot her name.
i duno if people actually can recognise moi.....in the pics hahaha.
In the mean time my personal pc is under maintenance, so i've gotta use little bro's one...not too bad too. keeps him off those games. :P anyway, i didn't really have a choice in the end about department, already said yes to department A one half weeks' ago, (long long story) so......voila. 
3 pretty gals. haha. >>>>>>>
Hey Kim...
just to say Hi... :)))
Nice blog, keep going!
u're looking great gal!
hey ivan, thanks for the comment!! haha, all the best to you too...in your challenges in life. heh heh.
hey one-of-us, whoever u are, thanks lots for saying i'm looking great...heh. you look great too!
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