i am excited and anxious about the outcome. either way...it will be in the sense "casting lots". just like what they did in the bible. i pray God speaks thru the results. i was totally, ok 95% honest throughout.
What about the customer service for the international school...hmm....nahhh. the pros are the environment, people-orientedness, freedom, short fixed working hours. the cons? job satisfaction would be 60%. because these are kids well provided for. the salary is one practical concern.
thing about the temp job is this. i could make it permanent. (was offered). but what on earth is my scope or speciality there? yet to be defined.... again. patience? maybe. should i be honest with them about my dream job? sighhh......should i agree to be permanent based on what i see in just two weeks only? i don't think so. (based on experience). But i can't keep on like this....:P
Whatever the outcome, i know that God keeps His promises...And today the Lord speaketh while i jog.
Don't see so much of the bad side of things to miss out on the blessings that come with it. thing is, i got to meet and talk to a burmese chap (younger than me, 21) who was looking for a church in singapore. he's only here 2 months. whole family not saved except him....was playing nice christian songs at his backyard. so i invited him for services.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
this time with job decisions.....mainly.
Had a really scary dream last night and i'm pretty sure it was the Lord telling me stuff about Himself. Usually its about stuff i'm facing like people or decisions i'm making or what I've been thinking of, but this time it was about Himself. God has emotions. I was like "Ok, this is freakily amazing". HE is freakily amazing. (in two words) if there were more words i could go on and on and on and .....the song "Indescribable" (chris tomlin) makes sense. that speaks of creation. this was God Himself being so like us.
Reading thru a book "Hearing God's voice" by Henry Blackaby now. It speaks of the different ways God uses to speak to us mere man....ok not mere, after all we are made in His image. but the ways he spoke was different in the Old and New testament.
Some of my cell group were debating on the free will of God today. like, did He create us like Him, with Free will because He too has Free will? One of the girls suggested He gave us free will because He wanted the relationship with us and not a robot who always agrees with him. How about this: why can't He forgive us ALL if He were so good? It's because of sin that already cuts us off from a holy God. So by right, everyone is cast away from Him due to the fall of man. So the gift was Salvation through one man - who was all God yet all man - Jesus. that's where free will comes in. to take the gift of love or reject it. BUT What about people who did not have a chance to hear the gospel/good news? are they cast away? that is yet to be answered, a mystery...
Had a really scary dream last night and i'm pretty sure it was the Lord telling me stuff about Himself. Usually its about stuff i'm facing like people or decisions i'm making or what I've been thinking of, but this time it was about Himself. God has emotions. I was like "Ok, this is freakily amazing". HE is freakily amazing. (in two words) if there were more words i could go on and on and on and .....the song "Indescribable" (chris tomlin) makes sense. that speaks of creation. this was God Himself being so like us.
Reading thru a book "Hearing God's voice" by Henry Blackaby now. It speaks of the different ways God uses to speak to us mere man....ok not mere, after all we are made in His image. but the ways he spoke was different in the Old and New testament.
Some of my cell group were debating on the free will of God today. like, did He create us like Him, with Free will because He too has Free will? One of the girls suggested He gave us free will because He wanted the relationship with us and not a robot who always agrees with him. How about this: why can't He forgive us ALL if He were so good? It's because of sin that already cuts us off from a holy God. So by right, everyone is cast away from Him due to the fall of man. So the gift was Salvation through one man - who was all God yet all man - Jesus. that's where free will comes in. to take the gift of love or reject it. BUT What about people who did not have a chance to hear the gospel/good news? are they cast away? that is yet to be answered, a mystery...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
postponing decision making
Making major and minor decisions are all nice things to do as it shows growing up.
but its freaky as in.....the wrong step could just mean a painful few months (which could be another character growth period) or it could be the step to WHERE exactly you ought to go, in the right direction. So either way you still get to where you should be but its a matter of time and all that. Either way, I'm just gonna be sure i am staying in the palm of God's hand. how to ensure that is to put Him in the centre of my life. and a lot more things but.......well check with the Word on your own....
but its freaky as in.....the wrong step could just mean a painful few months (which could be another character growth period) or it could be the step to WHERE exactly you ought to go, in the right direction. So either way you still get to where you should be but its a matter of time and all that. Either way, I'm just gonna be sure i am staying in the palm of God's hand. how to ensure that is to put Him in the centre of my life. and a lot more things but.......well check with the Word on your own....
Monday, October 13, 2008

as everyone can see, (whoever who bothers reading this blog...lol) happening is in inverted commas. so this weekend was nice and all but yea its probably time for me to take stock of each outing i have and really treasure every outing.
Sat......hmm......dance class then the chat with a new friend called Miss H who is only 22 years old in singapore for a year....exploring religions....hmm.....then came the bbq.....and lotsa games.....haha. great food......sat afternoon was a time i really reflected just like every other day this whole entire week! i mean, i'm trying to get real....in many senses of the word. get real about life, get real about what i want, get real about my purposes. am i that bad? seriously? i don't think so...
Sundaee...Played frisbee in the afternoon!! its a bit like rugby or captainsball....at west coast park with some old sch friends and their church frenz. except its a lot harder to catch the frisbee.
had a cool birthday celebration for arlene.....ended up we the celebrators had more fun haha.....isn't it always the case? like when you bless others, you feel even more blessed being the giver or blesser.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
salsa diaries
Tues night
(lol some personal stuff not work) i am embarrassed. highly embarrassed. but i will smile thru this. oh man.....
(about work) it may be a "presentation only" to some this thurs but for me it's gonna be scarryyy...
Wed night
Additional stresses from people...and leaving my book behind....whoa (how laughable can this get)
(about both stresses) I was right......"all is bearable" is real. deep down, there is a nice side to every one....work got bit more ok too.
i am writing two totally separate matters in the same blog because it all relates to some negative emotions (at the start) which was sorted out later. and all via talking to Him. (plus all in the same week) Cast all your burdens on Him lah.... do not be anxious la.....and the perfect peace which transcends all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Jesus.
(lol some personal stuff not work) i am embarrassed. highly embarrassed. but i will smile thru this. oh man.....
(about work) it may be a "presentation only" to some this thurs but for me it's gonna be scarryyy...
Wed night
Additional stresses from people...and leaving my book behind....whoa (how laughable can this get)
(about both stresses) I was right......"all is bearable" is real. deep down, there is a nice side to every one....work got bit more ok too.
i am writing two totally separate matters in the same blog because it all relates to some negative emotions (at the start) which was sorted out later. and all via talking to Him. (plus all in the same week) Cast all your burdens on Him lah.... do not be anxious la.....and the perfect peace which transcends all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Jesus.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
all is bearable. looking at it with agape love?
people and situations are bearable and can be fun, even the most 'interesting' people.
IF only life were about no irritations, no pain and no difficult people....but this would be ideal and just not real!! on top of all these, there's W-O-R-K to deal with, friendships, etc. And it could get to the point u wanna go, "To solve all the problems, either say YES to everything and everyone or say NO to everything and everyone." like in the show Bruce Almighty. By the way, his clicking on "Yes to all" turned out to be a disaster.
It's not that i'm not a serious person. It's just 'Why punish yourself for a bad circumstance or outcome in which you've put in effort or tried your best already intentionally'. Given you really have tried your best already.
Besides we have this unconditional and AGAPE (same meaning) love who is HE (God) demonstrating his love for us through Jesus, on the cross. yes, death by the cross. I'm not saying i'm taking that as a safety net and like not doing my best in life. But like i mentioned, i try (and still do) my best intentionally and in everything, I'm accountable to God, not man.
Who would have chosen such a cruel punishment like the cross to die upon? Or go around claiming he was God's son? He must have been either a lunatic or a liar to go around with such a big claim.
Finally, i had fun hanging out with some random cell group after the youth service lol. haha....it was "ok this group seems fun" then i stuck around them for dinner....and proceeded to holland v. where we had laughing riots about the slightest joke
IF only life were about no irritations, no pain and no difficult people....but this would be ideal and just not real!! on top of all these, there's W-O-R-K to deal with, friendships, etc. And it could get to the point u wanna go, "To solve all the problems, either say YES to everything and everyone or say NO to everything and everyone." like in the show Bruce Almighty. By the way, his clicking on "Yes to all" turned out to be a disaster.
It's not that i'm not a serious person. It's just 'Why punish yourself for a bad circumstance or outcome in which you've put in effort or tried your best already intentionally'. Given you really have tried your best already.
Besides we have this unconditional and AGAPE (same meaning) love who is HE (God) demonstrating his love for us through Jesus, on the cross. yes, death by the cross. I'm not saying i'm taking that as a safety net and like not doing my best in life. But like i mentioned, i try (and still do) my best intentionally and in everything, I'm accountable to God, not man.
Who would have chosen such a cruel punishment like the cross to die upon? Or go around claiming he was God's son? He must have been either a lunatic or a liar to go around with such a big claim.
Finally, i had fun hanging out with some random cell group after the youth service lol. haha....it was "ok this group seems fun" then i stuck around them for dinner....and proceeded to holland v. where we had laughing riots about the slightest joke
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