Reading "Drops from a leaking tap" (George Verwer) recently as part of my mission preparation (It is a SUPER book btw) I am just amazed how people can actually make a huge investment in terms of percentages of their incomes for God's work. I have heard of people who give out 90% of their salaries to others and just keep 10%. Its so admirable.
And I still conclude that the best way is still to silently pray to God for all things we need and want then waiting for him though waiting really really does build longsuffering and........patience! I admire those who just wait for God to perform things rather than take things into their own hands. It is very tough but I think God holds back in giving us what we want, or says no, or sometimes even what we NEED, he doesn't give us or doesn't give us so soon so that he can stretch us in the area, in the precise area we need growing/stretching in.
But the cool part about praying is....we entrust the thing into His hands and then probably all you need to do after is wait. simple, maybe.
And reading, meditating and digesting His word daily really keeps you stronger on the inside, from FALLing, from caring overtly about worldly things. No matter how lame this seems or even how boring it may be. It IS sharper than a double edged sword dividing bone and marrow. I think I am more impressed with the Bible now than man-written books.
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