Monday, May 18, 2009


Maybe it is a way people get rid of stress, nervousness, difficult situations. But i believe there has to be a reason laughter was even created. and even though i'm still very puzzled by many things that have happened since the beginning of time, like why on earth the devil was even created in the first place...(i think i have a vague answer by guessing,
The old "Freedom of choice"??), i do think that learning to take myself less good.

Haha. Do not get me wrong. I can be serious too. But for a limited period of time only.

If the situation is bad, the best thing u can do is just laugh at yourself. or tell someone about it and laugh it away as one of those "milestones in life". "Life's like that" "All in a day's work" or "Laughter is the best medicine", were my favourite sections of Reader's Digest in growing up years.

Don't know what to do about something? Have a little chuckle.

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